Wednesday, April 11, 2018

RE:SCORE - Guided By Voices: Under The Bushes Under The Stars (1996)

TOTAL SCORE: 96, AVG: 4.17

When I wrote my original entry for Under The Bushes Under The Stars (UTBUTS) 12 years ago, I called it GBV's greatest album. Therefore, I thought it would be a good one to re-score using my new scoring method (Details can be found here). I figured that it would end up with a slightly higher average score than Boston Spaceship's The Planets Are Blasted (since that is a top notch album as well), but a much higher total score given its 24 tracks versus 14...

    Tuesday, April 10, 2018

    Boston Spaceships: Our Cubehouse Still Rocks (2010)

    TOTAL SCORE: 53, AVG: 3.31

    Pollard, Slusarenko, and Moen returned for their fourth album in three years, and managed to create yet another stellar Boston Spaceships album. There is not a bad song on Our Cubehouse Still Rocks (OCSR). After this entry, there was no doubt to me that Pollard found a new band that could easily fill in as his main and replace GBV in that respect. Of course, it was never meant to be as the Boston Spaceships would only have one more album on the horizon...